
Nov 16, 2009

Jazz at the Palace

Kanakakunnu palace stands majestically in the heart of Trivandrum. The surroundings of the palace are popular haunts of the regulars. For a walk around the garden or for one of the exhibitions in the adjacent grounds. Once or twice a year cultural programmes are also conducted at the Nishagandhi and Surykanthi open air theatres. The palace itself is seldom open to the public. The last time  I was inside this palace was for a Kathakali performance as part of the Nishagandhi cultural festival.

From Jazz_Kanakakunnu

On Saturday, the 14th November the palace again opened for a Jazz performance by the Yakou Tribe from Germany, brought to Trivandrum by the Goethe Zentrum (Max Mueller Bhavan / Goethe Institute) .

Here are a couple of images from the show.

From Jazz_Kanakakunnu
Long view.

Corridor leading to the auditor

                                                                                    A chandelier at the palace

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